



企业名称:成都市南春实业有限责任公司 经营产品: 海鲜产品 ; 野生海龙 ; 速冻海鲜产品 ; 挪威三文鱼 ; 特种水产养殖 ; 日式香鱼 ; 娃娃蟹 ; 日式芙蓉虾
联系方式:张正莲 注册资金:50万元 (万元)
成立时间:2002年08月07日 职员人数:8人
发证机关:锦江市场监督管理局 核准日期:2016-06-21
联系地址:222号 - 邮政编码:610000


公司简介:成都市南春实业有限责任公司创业于1992年,是成都乃至西南地区大的海鲜经营企业之一,公司主要经营海水、淡水、速冻产品、西餐料理等。我公司是四川省水产学会常务理事单位、四川省水产流通与加工研究会主任单位、成都市水产行业协会会长单位,处于行业龙头企业之列。 南春公司经历从零售到批发及原始资本的积累过程,从初的家族式经营发展成今天的公司化经营管理模式,从产品单一化向产品多元化,从简单的流通型企业走向产业链式的集养殖、加工、流通、配送为一体的务实创新型企业。公司下设总经办、人政部、财务部、生产部、品控部、采供部、营销部、水产部、冻品部、配送部、销售部、国际贸易部。投入了大量的资金和人力资源,与一批酒店(文杏、红杏、大蓉和、香格里拉酒店、金牛宾馆等)长期友好合作,在餐饮行业中树立了“南春”品牌。公司于2006年成都市政府举办的《中国成都鱼文化节》中成为青石桥海鲜市场唯一分会场。2007年12月,公司投巨资在大邑成立了四川南春特种水产科技有限公司,建设150亩的特种水产养殖加工基地,使产品立足于西南市场,并逐步走向了全国、全世界。 南春人以“诚信为本,精益求精”为宗旨,以“为大众提供安全、生态、无公害产品和服务”为己任,本着“以人为本、以客为尊”的企业精神,解放思想、加强企业管理、不断提高产品和服务质量,努力在“南春”前进的道路上再树新的里程碑,期待和世界各地的朋友相互学习、共同进步、共同发展。 公司不断提高自身研发技术和生产实力,并把食品安全和为客户提供健康食品的责任放在第一位,严格遵守《国家食品安全法》完善公司管理制度和流程。责任落实到原料采购及验收、生产加工、品控、储藏运输及销售等各环节。在中国创立了南春的第一品牌—海涛牌,目前公司的畅销和热销产品:芙蓉虾、香赤参、精品翡翠虾和水晶虾仁等均受到广大客户及消费者的追捧和热爱。与此同时,公司也积极同国内外厂商展开密切合作,大力开发中、产品,满足广大消费者日益提高的消费需求。多种产品直接从国外进购或者采取OEM(委托加工)方式生产,降低了周转时间和费用,保证了产品的品质和成本优势。从2007年1月开始直接从挪威进口三文鱼,成为成都乃至西南地区唯一一家从挪威直接进口三文鱼的企业,从而保证了三文鱼的新鲜和品质;并相继成为澳大利亚、越南、加拿大等国家和地区的金枪鱼、胡瓜鱼及其他一系列虾、蟹产品在西南十省市的总代理。 公司奉“引领时尚海鲜,健康百姓人家”为企业理念,丰富了人民的菜篮子,提供了好吃、健康、方便、不贵的各类水产食品,服务于社会,为中国水产业发展特别是水产品精深加工作出了应有的贡献。与此同时,公司研发部和采供部坚持每年参加国内外的各种专业博览会,寻找和开发各种新材料、新产品,还积极协同酒店进行厨艺交流和新菜品开发,共同研发和打造精美菜品,实现共赢。Introduction of Chengdu Nanchun Industrial Co.,LtdChengdu Nanchun Industrial Company Limited was established in 1992 which is one of the biggest seafood company in Southwest China now.Our company mainly specializes in marine products,freshwater products,quick frozen products and the western_style food.The title of our company is mainly about the executive director units of Sichuan society fisheries,the president of Chengdu fisheries association.All these reputations make our company become the leading enterprise in the fishery industry.Our company caves out from the retail to wholesale,from the family operation to company management.Our company transits the industries from the single product to the diversity products,and now we mainly cover the aquaculture,marine products,seafood circulation and distribution.Nowadays we have set up a complete management system,such as Purchasing and Supply Department(P&S),Sales Department,Research and Development Department(R&D),etc.During the recent years,we strengthened cooperation with some famous hotels such as the Taurus hotel,Shangri-La hotel,Wenxing hotel,Hongxing hotel and so on.All these good cooperations and excellent services made Nanchun brand acceptable.We attended the China Fishery Expo activity every year since 2007,and brought in sorts of advanced concepts,food production processing method,researches and also developing strength,which make us more and more powerful.Our company has a closely cooperation with domestic and foreign companies.In order to satisfy the customer’increasingly consumptionDemands,we made the best efforts to develop medium and high level products. Aim to short turnaround time and cost as well as to guarantee our product’ quality and advantages,we made our multi-products directly imported from overseas.Our company was the first company that directly imported the salmon product from Norway since January 2007 for the reason of guarantee the quality and the tasty.All the salmon that imported from Norway can be provided to the inspection and quarantine to ensure our customers enjoy the ecological,non-risk,and high-quality tasty products.P&S department keeps on attending various of professional industrial exhibitions to research new resource as well as R&D that we are committed to serve the clients wholeheartedly.And we collaborate with many hotels actively to produce an appetizing delicacy for our common targets.We always insist on “Leading in fashion seafood,healthy the common people”,improving the product quality uninterrupted and providing the excellent service to people in the future.


河南省平桥区肖王乡黄堂村水库(养殖基地) 广东省珍珠企业总公司(养殖基地)


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